Revenue Operations

The Top 20 Revenue Operations Blog Posts From 2021

Adam Ballai
Dec 27, 2021

Well, 2021 is coming to an end. 

Before the ball drops at midnight, we wanted to look back at some of the most popular articles shared in our daily newsletter of curated Revenue Operations content this year. 

If you aren't subscribed to the RevOps Daily, what are you waiting for? Sign up here, and you'll get five revenue operations articles each day in your inbox, hand-selected by us. 

Enjoy these top 20 RevOps articles, and stay tuned in 2022 for even more great content! 

20. Scaling Revenue With Mary Grothe, CEO of House of Revenue


Source: RevOps Blog

In this Revenue Leader Interview, Mary Grothe, CEO of House of Revenue, gives her unique insight into how companies can create revenue process efficiency. 

One of the novel observations that Mary provided was how companies often mistake Product-Message Fit for Product-Market Fit. 

Read more here

19. The Impact of Centralization on Revenue Operations (RevOps).

Source: Ironhorse

One of the core philosophies of Revenue Operations is the centralization of the go-to-market organization. In this article, Ironhorse identifies six core ways companies have gone about this kind of centralization. 

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18. The Revenue Operations Mindset


Source: RevOps Blog

RevOps is both a function and a philosophy. This article discussed the mindset required for companies to embrace Revenue Operations and be successful with its implementation fully. 

Read more here

17. 10 Must-Read Blogs for RevOps Professionals- July Edition

Source: Everstage

Many of us were subsumed by the Summer Olympics back in July 2021, but the folks at Everstage did a great job capturing some of the most critical trends in the world of RevOps with their top 10 Revenue Operations articles. 

Read more here

16. Becoming a RevOps Builder With Alison Elworthy, EVP Revenue Operations at HubSpot

Alison E HubSpot

Source: RevOps

As we wrapped up our Revenue Leader Interview Series this year, we were thrilled that Alison Elworthy, who had recently taken on the EVP Revenue Operations role at HubSpot, agreed to sit down and chat with us. 

Alison gave greater insight into the concept of the "RevOps Builder" and brought her unique perspective to the discussion. 

Read more here.

15. Who Should Run Commissions - RevOps or Finance?

Source: Everstage

Compensation plans are an essential tool for motivating customer-facing teams, and they are critical for increasing LTV and overall revenue. 

However, who "owns" the creation of these plans? 

Read more here

14.  Data, Insights, Systems, and Processes With Jonathan Morgan

Jon Morgan New

Source: RevOps Blog

Due to having their hands in so many different parts of the go-to-market engine, RevOps can often struggle with the various demands of each stakeholder. The challenge becomes prioritizing these demands and communicating them to the appropriate teams. 

In this Revenue Leader Interview, Jonathan Morgan of AchieveIt walks us through his strategy for juggling these demands, as well as the challenges around building systems and processes. 

Read more here

13. Twelve People to Follow on LinkedIn for Practical RevOps Advice

Source: Everstage

The folks at Everstage did a great job in this article surfacing some of the best thought-leaders in the RevOps space. 

Thank you to Everstage for the shout-out in this list as well! 

Read more here

12. Building RevOps With Toni Heavey, Head of Revenue Operations at Ebsta

Building RevOps_ Toni from Ebsta

Source: RevOps Blog

In our very first "Building RevOps" video interview, Toni Heavey, Head of Revenue Operations at Ebsta, goes deep into how she overcame the challenge of creating a predictable revenue model as the GTM motion of her company shifted. 

Read (and watch) more here

11. RevOps vs. Sales Ops vs. Marketing Ops

Source: Theia Marketing

The definition of Revenue Operations and how it differs from "traditional" ops roles has been something of a challenge over the last year. In this article, the folks at Theia Marketing help walk us through how RevOps is differentiated from some of these other roles. 

Read more here

10. Process-Driven Methodology to Operations With Asia Corbett, Director of RevOps at RevGenius


Source: RevOps Blog

Noticing a trend? 

We were thrilled at how well our Revenue Leader Interview Series was received in 2021. 

We had no idea that nearly a year later, these insightful discussions would make their way into an eBook co-created with the folks at HubSpot! 

In our #10 spot, our interview with Asia Corbett, Director of RevOps at RevGenius, really struck a nerve. Asia's unique "process-driven" approach to RevOps is a rubric that many operators can follow. 

Read more here

9. Revenue Should Always Be the Responsibility of Operations, Never Sales

Source: ThomasNet

Perhaps the eyebrow-raising title generated all the interest, but this article is a lot deeper than that. 

The article sets up the Difference between sales and ops owning revenue as growth vs. stagnation. 

Read more here

8. Analyzing Your Revenue Engine: Deal Metrics (+ Calculation Template)

Deal Metrics Post

Source: RevOps Blog

How can an operator tell if their GTM strategy is working?

Analyzing metrics is the only way to definitively understand if your process is succeeding or if it needs to be optimized. 

This was the first of several articles we published that included a free template to help readers calculate these metrics independently. 

Read more here

7. RevOps vs. Sales Ops – What's the Difference?

Source: SalesHacker

Similar to the article by Theia Marketing, the folks at SalesHacker set out to, once and for all, define how Revenue Operations differentiates itself from the more "traditional" Sales Operations role. 

Read more here

6. Ten Revenue Operations Podcasts & Interview Series You Should Check Out

Source: RevOps Blog

The medium of podcasts has grown exponentially in popularity over the last few years, and 2021 was no different. 

What's changed with podcasts is that it's no longer only true-crime stories or political talking heads, but professionals also look to podcasts to help them in their day-to-day work. 

In early 2021, we put together this list of RevOps podcasts that got some fantastic feedback. 

Read more here

5. The Framework for Go-to-Market Feedback Loops

Source: RevOps Blog

One of the most popular series of posts we published this year was our "Frameworks" series which featured guest author Asia Corbett of RevGenius. 

In this article, Asia gave actionable tips and insights into creating feedback loops for your Go-to-Market operation; no fluff, just cold hard facts. 

Read more here

4. Caffeinated, Coatue, Gradient back RevOps to build modern sales stack for startups

RevOps co-founders Adam Ballai and John Solis

Source: TechCrunch

We had the fantastic honor of being featured in the tech world's most prolific journal - TechCrunch - regarding our recent round of funding. 

A huge thank you to the folks at TechCrunch for this one!

Read more here

3. A Framework for Evaluating Tools In Your GTM Tech Stack (+ Free Template)

Source: RevOps

One of the greatest things about a framework is that anyone can use it; it's not some abstract concept. It's concrete. 

This was another great article in our Framework series that included an easy-to-use template so that readers could begin to implement the Framework for themselves. 

Read more here

2. What We're Building: RevOps HubSpot Integration

Source: RevOps Blog

For us here at RevOps, 2021 was the year of "building in public."

And no project exemplified this philosophy more than the launch of our native integration with HubSpot CRM. 

As we worked through the engineering process, we gave folks a peek behind the curtain to better understand what we were building, why we were building it, and how we decided on building the features we did. 

Read more here



And now for the #1 Revenue Operations blog post of 2021.

1. My Journey to RevOps: Sharad Chanana, VP of Revenue Operations

Source: RevOps Blog

In late 2021, we brought on Sharad Chanana as the Vice President of Revenue Operations. Sharad brings decades of experience from the world of finance and revenue, with his most recent role being the Head of Revenue at Contentful. 

Here's what Sharad said about his decision to join RevOps:

After meeting with some of the leadership team, I came away extremely impressed with the passion and collaborative environment that is happening at RevOps.

I wanted to be a part of that excitement and help do my part to take RevOps to the next stage of growth!

Read more here

Co-Founder & CEO

Adam Ballai

Adam Ballai, CEO of RevOps, Inc., is known for scaling companies to a 1B run-rate and pioneering usage-based billing platforms. With experience at Twilio and Stripe, he excels in driving product-market fit and rapid growth. At RevOps, Inc., Adam leads the charge towards groundbreaking CPQ technology

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