Have you noticed our new design system (DS)? The DS allows us to ensure consistency in our application and make it more intuitive. Along with implementing this new design system, we've also been working on the following upgrades:
- Deal Desk List
- ~Pin and unpin deals statuses to can create a view of your deals based on the status you would like to see.
- ~Increase the list size from 10 to 20 or 30.
- ~See who the Deal was created by, which may be different than who owns the deal.
- ~View, filter, and sort your list of Deals from your mobile device.
- New in Deal Overview
- Meet Rob - When a Deal is auto-approved based on the conditions you've configured in workflows, you’ll now see that the Deal was approved by the RevOps Bot: ROB.
To learn more about the feature visit April Product Updates blog.