Product Announcements

Winter '23 RevOps Product Release

Elaine Tsai
Nov 14, 2022

The Winter β€˜23 release is here, and the entire team here is excited to tell you about it.


In each release of RevOps, we strive to always keep the everyday user in mind, either the person selling or the operator maintaining their CPQ and Deal Desk. We use north-star metrics such as "time to approve" and "number of approval turns"Β to guide us in what to prioritize.


This release aims to make dates more effortless and powerful.


Dates in a CPQ make important decisions:

  • They power a customer's billing schedule.
  • They drive meaningful customer commitment plans.
  • They build ramps for expansions on multi-year plans.
  • They govern when agreement terms are effective.
  • They enable new discounting frameworks.
  • … and many more with nuances that start from best practices and end in your industry.

It was clear that manually setting all the dates on an agreement leaves too much room for mistakes. So we've spent time innovating in how you can leverage automation in your contracts so your team has one less thing to worry about, making approval faster and decreasing the number of reviews to get that deal closed!


We’ve listened to your feedback on how to better leverage dates for more effective pricing techniques. In return, we spent a great amount of time and detail on delivering a set of new features and enhancements that will make working with dates even more powerful and effortless than it is today with RevOps CPQ.


What's in the release?


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Import Dates data from CRM to use on Date Terms


Businesses can now use dates data from the HubSpot or Salesforce CRM on the RevOps deal.


By automatically importing renewal start dates into the RevOps deal for your Sales team, you're able to reduces errors and possible gaps of service when creating Renewals. See how to setup renewal template.


With this feature, you can also create expansion agreements with a peace of mind that the contract signed will be co-termed to an end date stored in your CRM. Stop trying to calculate the length of contract for your co-termed expansions and let RevOps do the math for you. See how to set up expansion template.



Import data from HubSpot


Businesses on HubSpot can now import data from HubSpot to be used in Line Item descriptions and Term description. Once the HubSpot Variable has been created, use them in any of RevOps Markdown powered text fields alongside other Operators and Variables.



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Set the buyer signature date as the contract's effective date


Many contracts are effective on the date your customer signs the agreement. Instead of setting your agreement start date to a point in time, set it to the buyer's signature date and see it populate once your customer has signed. Learn how.




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Adjust line item service dates with more control


RevOps now offers flexibility in allowing you to decide when line items must align with and anchor to the dates of the contract. The service dates of all line items on the order form can now be anchored to the contract start date and end date.



These configurations can be set directly on your templates and used each time a deal is created.



Offset the service start date of line items


In addition to anchoring the service start dates of the line item to your date term, you can add offsets in days, months, or years. Watch the video above for a complete overview.




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Field-Based Permissions on Dates to control the roles that may adjust each date field.


With field-based permissions, you can now decide which Users have access to updating and adjusting the service dates and periods of each line item. Click here to learn how to set this up for your SKUs.



Create Tiered, Volume Pricing per year and one time


In addition to monthly volume, and tiered pricing, Businesses can now create SKUs with annual and one-time tiered pricing. Learn how to start SKUs with tiered and volume pricing.



Add multiple service periods to SKUs priced as tiered, volume pricing


Products and services that are priced with tiered, volume pricing can now be ramped over multiple service term periods. This allows you to sell different quantity amounts or apply different discounts throughout multiple service periods of the contract. Learn how to ramp pricing when quoting.




Thanks for reading through our Winter '23 product release. We're really excited to hear how you adopt these new features, so feel free to send us an email at if you have any questions or comments.


Everyone from the RevOps team wishes you a wonderful winter season!

Head of Product Management

Elaine Tsai

Elaine enjoys building simple products for complex problems. In her free time, you'll find her hiking, training for triathlons, or grilling.

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